Welcome to the Perfect Nest Egg
As the old saying goes, “…the trouble is, you think you have time…”
A few years back I set out to grow my financial nest egg for early retirement. Not to stop working, but to spend more time on projects I find interesting and most importantly, to spend more time with my kids, family and friends. Some call it “FIRE” (Financial Independence, Retire Early), but I call it financial independence.
This blog doucuments my journey as I learn about retirement planning along the way. It started as a cheat sheet for me to use personally, but it has since grown to be a valuable resource for others on the same path.
After several years of research I’ve learned the most important lesson is time in the market. Start your nest egg now and invest in the market today - your future self will thank you.
Nest Egg Basics
401k Plans
A retirement plan that allows employees to contribute a portion of their wages to an individual account.
IRA | Roth IRA
Similar to 401K but setup by an individual rather than your employer
A tax-advantaged savings account that lets you set aside money to pay for qualified medical expenses.
Brokerage Firms
A financial account that allows investors to buy, sell, and hold investments like stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs)